How to Get Help
Empower Yourself
Get Help and Support

Call Us. Our Helpline is open 24 hours.
(719) 846-6665
Our advocates and volunteers are available to talk 24/7. During the call, the advocate/volunteer will ask if you are in a safe place to talk.
All calls are confidential and free. Services are available in English and Spanish.
AADA’s Safehouse provides short-term emergency shelter, food, case management, counseling, and support to survivors and their children.
Transitional Housing
Advocates Against Domestic Assault’s transitional housing program is a two year process designed to provide a safe place for survivors of domestic violence and their children. Speak with an advocate if you are interested in Transitional Housing.
Survivor's Advocacy
AADA’s Victim Advocates can help navigate the criminal justice system, provides legal assistance, and connects victims with community resources.
- Identify Options
- Develop Safety Plans
- Receive Assistance with Temporary
- Protection Orders (TPOs)
- Acquire Information and Referrals
- Crisis intervention
- Sexual Assault Advocacy
- Support Group
- Parenting class
Youth & Children's Program
Children’s Program Advocates work with children who have witnessed Domestic Violence and/or Sexual Assault in the home. Services are for children residing in AADA’s Safehouse and children from the community-at-large and include:
- Individual Case Management
- Support Groups
- Child-Specific Advocacy
- Recreational Opportunities
Community Outreach
AADA Advocates are available to any group interested in a presentation about issues related to Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault (DVSA). Specific topics include:
- Safe Dating
- Building Healthy Relationships
- DV 101
- SA 101
- Bystander Intervention
- AADA Programs and Services